A suite of offerings specially designed to educate, celebrate and support you on your birthing journey
“It is my belief that all women instinctively know how to birth their baby. When women trust their own powerful knowing on the inside, and not the well intended advice from the outside, they will birth as nature intended them to. For a woman to open up and birth naturally, she must feel safe, in her surroundings, whether that is in a big hospital, small birthing unit or at home. Only a mother knows with whom and where she feels safe. I believe that every birth a woman has is perfect for her and her partner’s evolution. The growth that comes from challenging births is equal to the joy that manifests through these changes."
Nilajah Brown has had the honor of serving pregnant families for over 20 years. She brings a wealth of traditional birthing wisdom from African, Caribbean and Native American cultures. She is a professionally trained and certified mother, pregnancy yoga teacher, childbirth educator, midwife assistant, doula, doula trainer, reiki practitioner, and breastfeeding counselor.
Reclaiming pregnancy/childbirth as a sacred rite of passage is her life's work and passion.
The Birth Well birthingbabes@gmail.com 